The Ray Pic waterfall in Pereyres
The Ray Pic waterfall in Pereyres

The Ray Pic waterfall in Pereyres

Fauna - Flora
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This return hike in Pereyres town takes you to the majestic site of the Ray Pic waterfall. This site is unmissable. Tonic and volcanic , the Ray Pic waterfall fall from height 50 metres.
The GRP of the Haute Cévennes Ardèche will take you from the small town of Pereyres and its mountain houses to the Ray Pic waterfall. Besides its beauty, the Ray Pic waterfall is also known as an exceptional volcanic site, listed as Geosite by UNESCO. From the Ray-Pic there is a basalt flow that stretches on 20 kilometres, one of the longest in Europe. A little refitted path guide you to different wood terraces that overhang the waterfall. Breathtaking !


  1. Departure point from the hikes info board at the village square. PoteauFollow the « Lachamp-Raphael 8,8 km » pannel. Climb the calade. You have a magnificient panorama on the Bourges valley and a beautiful view on Pereyres village.
  2. Reach RD 215, take left to the Chabron hamlet.
  3. Go higher than the hamlet and Poteaufollow the « RayPic 4km » direction. Continue on RD 215 to the Ray Pic bridge.
  4. Cross the bridge and take the snaking path on the left in the wood to the Ray Pic car park.
  5. Go down (15mn) on the track through the beech trees and the blueberry moors to the Ray-Pic waterfall. Returning to Pereyres is by the same way.
  • Departure : Village square
  • Arrival : Village square
  • Towns crossed : PEREYRES

Altimetric profile

Sensitive areas

Along your trek, you will go through sensitive areas related to the presence of a specific species or environment. In these areas, an appropriate behaviour allows to contribute to their preservation. For detailed information, specific forms are accessible for each area.
Impacted practices:
All practices


The loop is delineated by yellow and white peinting.
Careful, swimming is prohibited at the bottom of the waterfall.

Information desks

Tourism Office

2 place du Bosquet, Neyrac les Bains, 07380 Meyras


Access and parking

From Aubenas, take the N102 to Pont de Labeaume. At the exit of the village take the D536 on the right, direction Montpezat-sous-Bauzon then take the D215 in Saint Pierre de Colombier direction. From Thueyts, take the N102 in Aubenas direction. Before entering Pont de Labeaume, take Montpezat-sous-Bauzon direction then the D 215 in Saint Pierre de Colombier direction.

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